58 research outputs found

    Socrative como herramienta para la integración de contenidos en la asignatura “Didáctica de los Deportes”

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    En los últimos años se han introducido en el panorama educativo herramientas con las que se pretende fomentar la participación activa y la interacción entre alumnado y profesorado mediante sistemas de respuesta personal. La evolución de este tipo de metodología ha permitido la participación en tiempo real del alumnado respondiendo a las preguntas planteadas a través de algún dispositivo electrónico. Un ejemplo de ello es la aplicación Socrative. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo valorar la utilidad y complejidad de Socrative y analizar la opinión del alumnado sobre su funcionalidad. Para ello, y tras una sesión teórica sobre el uso del software e interfaz, se utilizó al principio, durante, y al final de cada sesión, en la asignatura Didáctica de los Deportes (grado en Educación Primaria). Para analizar la valoración por parte del alumnado, así como la sugerencia de posibles mejoras, se utilizó una encuesta de satisfacción elaborada por los profesores. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian una valoración global muy positiva (96% del alumnado), con un 94% de alumnos satisfechos o muy satisfechos con su utilización. Por tanto, nuestros datos apoyan la utilidad de Socrative en la actividad docente universitaria como herramienta para la mejora del aprendizaje.Universidad de Málaga (Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech). Estudio financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (AP2010-0583

    Physical activity and health assessment in children and adolescents: application and usefulness of Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ)

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    Physical activity (PA) has been identified as an important agent in the prevention of chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndrome. In order to know more precisely the levels of PA during childhood and adolescence, it is necessary to develop and validate instruments able to adequately and widely assess PA to identify the impact on health in primary and secondary school populations. Quantifying PA will be helpful in order to focus school and community interventions on those groups with unhealthy lifestyles. The Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ) is a self-report instrument developed specifically for Children (PAQ-C) and later adapted for Adolescents (PAQ-A), which has been widely used to assess PA in healthy school populations. However, there is a lack of uniformity and information about the meaning of final score, which would differentiate sedentary behaviors in youth. The overall purpose of this dissertation research was, on the one hand, to validate PAQ psychometric characteristics in Spanish children and to determine cut-off points that would improve the utility of the PAQ-C and PAQ-A for future research applications; and, on the other hand, to study longitudinal changes of body composition and PA behaviors in adolescence using this tool. The main variables of different studies included in this dissertation were evaluated as follows: PA level was evaluated using the Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ-C or PAQ-A) and/or accelerometers (Actigraph GT3X); body composition was assessed by anthropometric measurements; sexual maturity was estimated by predicted percentage of adult stature; and dietary intake was assessed by a self-administered food-frequency questionnaire. The most important results show: a) In the first study, test-retest reliability showed an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of 0.96 for the final score of PAQ-C, which obtained a consistency of Cronbach's α of 0.76. Moreover, few and low correlations (rho=0.228-0.278, all P<0.05) were observed between PAQ-C and triaxial accelerometry and the accuracy analysis performed with the concordance coefficient correlation reported a low accuracy of PAQ-C compared with accelerometry (r=0.192, P=0.092). To sum up, the results suggest that PAQ-C had a high reliability but a questionable validity for assessing PA in our sample of Spanish children. b) The main finding of the second study was to determine a PAQ-C and PAQ-A score cut-off point of 2.75 to discriminate 60 minutes of MVPA, which is associated within a total volume of 10664 steps/day for children and 9701 steps/day for adolescents. However, area under the curve (AUC) values of PAQ-C score were no significant (P>0.05) and only weak (AUC<0.7) discriminators between “active” and “non-active” children. So, according with the ROC analysis, only the PAQ-A can be a useful tool to classify adolescents as active or inactive following international recommendations as criteria. c) In the longitudinal study, significant differences for FMP were found among S1, S2 and S3 (23.41±8.24 vs. 21.89±7.82 vs. 22.05±8.06, P<0.05; respectively); a significant interaction with sex was observed (P<0.05), but not for maturation. Regarding PA, S2 was significantly higher than S3 (2.58±0.72 vs. 2.29±0.73, P<0.001). An interaction between PA and maturation was statically significant (P<0.05). Our results suggest that body composition changes observed during adolescence are not driven by changes in PA. Moreover, the interaction analysis suggests that sex affects PA behavior, but not maturation or nutritional variables. These overall results suggest that the PAQ appears to be a more appropriate tool to measure PA in adolescents than in children, and it may discriminate active and inactive students in adolescence according to international guidelines. In addition, assessments conducted longitudinally in this dissertation show the problems of progressive decline of PA among adolescents, which seems to be influenced by the gender, regardless of maturation

    Gamificación y realidad aumentada en educación: luces y sombras

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    Las tecnologías del aprendizaje y el conocimiento se han consolidado como instrumentos de gran utilidad para contribuir a mejorar la metodología docente. En las últimas décadas, el desarrollo tecnológico ha contribuido a que aparezcan en el mercado diferentes dispositivos electrónicos que, además de permitir una conexión permanente a internet, estimulan la participación y el interés del alumnado. Uno de los aspectos mejorables en la docencia universitaria es la optimización del tiempo de clase y aumentar la motivación del alumnado. El buen uso de este tipo de dispositivos hace de los mismos una herramienta metodológica útil para tal fin. La presente conferencia pretendió seguir un proceso de reflexión, innovación y evaluación para la mejora de la práctica docente, debatiendo sobre las fortalezas y debilidades de la gamificación y la realidad aumentada en el aula. La dinamización, la capacidad de motivar al alumnado, el bajo costo económico y la innovación son las principales virtudes de la gamificación en el contexto universitario. Por el contrario, determinados contextos educativos donde el uso de dispositivos móviles está restringido, el coste real que supone crear un recurso educativo con realidad aumentada o un inadecuado diseño de las tareas, se presentan como los aspectos a mejorar de esta metodología.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Relación entre la actividad física, la composición corporal y la satisfacción corporal en escolares

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    JUSTIFICACIÓN: La percepción negativa relacionada con la imagen corporal es común entre niños y adolescentes y está asociada con el desarrollo de diversos trastornos psicológicos. La actividad física (AF) ha demostrado aportar beneficios psicológicos y se perfila como una variable prometedora para prevenir dichos trastornos. Sin embargo, a diferencia de en la adolescencia, la relación existente entre la composición corporal, los niveles de AF y la percepción corporal ha sido poco estudiada en la última etapa de la niñez. OBJETIVO: Examinar la relación entre la percepción de la imagen corporal, la composición corporal y la AF en niños. MÉTODO: 102 estudiantes sanos (55 niños y 47 niñas) de quinto y sexto curso de educación primaria participaron en el estudio (edad 11.4±0.8 años; IMC 20.1±3.8 Kg/m2). La composición corporal se estimó mediante bioimpedancia eléctrica. La imagen corporal se evaluó a través del cuestionario Figure Rating Scale adaptado y la satisfacción corporal con el cuestionario Body Shape (BSQ). El cuestionario de actividad física para niños (PAQ-C) fue utilizado para estimar la AF. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman y la prueba t-test para muestras independientes fueron aplicados para explorar las relaciones entre las variables y comparar patrones. RESULTADOS: Hubo relación altamente significativa entre la imagen corporal y el IMC (rho=0.592, p<0.001).; así como una relación negativa significativa entre la puntuación del BSQ y del PAQ-C (rho=-0.216, p<0.05). La puntuación del BSQ fue significativamente diferente entre niños y niñas (59.2±26.1 vs 81.2±33.5, respectivamente). CONCLUSIONES: Los escolares que registran mayores niveles de AF tiene una mejor percepción personal. Asimismo, un valor elevado de IMC se asocia con una mayor puntuación del BSQ. Estos resultados sugieren que la práctica de AF puede ayudar a mejorar la autopercepción corporal, la cual era más negativa en niñas, aunque ambos sexos mostraron una preocupación baja por la misma.Estudio financiado por la Universidad de Málaga

    Elección de programas de ejercicio físico en población sarcopénica. ¿Qué tipo y por qué?

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: La sarcopenia es un síndrome caracterizado por la pérdida de masa muscular asociada con la edad, a menudo acompañada de una disminución de fuerza muscular voluntaria y aumento de la masa grasa. Numerosos estudios demuestran que la práctica habitual de actividad física y/o ejercicio físico contribuye a incrementar la calidad de vida relacionado con la salud a nivel biológico y psicosocial. No obstante, estos efectos varían en función del programa de ejercicio que se implemente: tipo de actividad, duración e intensidad de la misma. OBJETIVO: El propósito de la presente revisión fue determinar qué tipo de programa de ejercicio físico es más efectivo (proporciona mayores beneficios) para atenuar los efectos negativos de la sarcopenia en personas mayores. METODOLOGÍA: Para la búsqueda de artículos se utilizaron las bases de datos Web of Science y Pubmed, acotando la revisión a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Se utilizaron las siguientes palabras claves: “sarcopenia”, “sarcopenic obesity”, “elderly”, “exercise”, “exercise program”, “physical activity”, “exercise benefits”, “physical activity benefits”, “muscle strength”, “balance training”, “flexibility training”, “resistance training”, y “aerobic training”. RESULTADOS: Un total de 702 artículos fueron encontrados por los motores de búsqueda, de los cuales 10 estudios de intervención fueron finalmente seleccionados después de ser revisados por dos evaluadores independientes. DISCUSIÓN: Los programas de ejercicio físico con una duración superior a 45 minutos, en los que se combina el componente aeróbico con ejercicios de tonificación muscular de intensidad ligera muestran mayores efectos beneficiosos sobre la fuerza muscular, el equilibrio y la movilidad en las personas mayores, que aquellos programas en los que se trabajan por separado la fuerza, la resistencia, el equilibrio o el entrenamiento por circuito.Universidad de Málaga (Campus Internacional de Excelencia Andalucía Tech). Estudio financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (AP2010-0583)

    Effect of a short-term physical activity intervention on body composition, biomarkers and lifestyle patterns in metabolically healthy obese children

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of a 4-months physical activity programme on visceral adipose tissue (VAT), biomarkers and lifestyle in metabolically healthy obese child population. METHODS: Data from 131 (n=70 boys, n=61 girls) healthy children (Age: 7.8±1.4 years, BMI: 24.6±3.4 kg/m2) enrolled in primary schools were used. The Actigraph GT3X monitor device was used to assess PA. Accelerometers were set to register 60-second epoch cycles, and were programmed to assess 7 days. We selected the cut points from Pulsford et al. to determine the time spent on different intensity levels of PA and sedentary time. Blood analysis was carried out to obtain biomarkers. Total and regional body composition were estimated using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Children performed 5 days of aerobic PA per week (1h). A repeated-measures TStudent test was conducted to examine temporal changes (4 months). RESULTS: Significant changes for moderate and vigorous PA were found between both moments (Moderate PA min/d 15.3±15.5 vs. 35.5 ± 14.8, p<0.001; Vigorous PA min/d 1.2±3.1 vs. 9.1±6.3 p<0.001 respectively). There were no significant differences for the rest of biomarkers and body composition variables, VAT included. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that there are signs of improvement in lifestyle patterns and some biomarkers. However, 4 months of PA intervention seem to be insufficient to obtain a significant change on body composition and VAT in metabolically healthy obese children.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Maturation level in adolescents: effects on body composition and physical activity changes

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    Background and aims: Longitudinal studies help move researchers closer to understanding determinants and mediators of maturation, physical activity (PA) and adiposity. The aim of this study was to longitudinally explore the influence of maturation on PA and adiposity changes in adolescents. Methods: Eighty healthy adolescents (42 girls and 38 boys) were followed over three academic years. A PA score was estimated using the Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ-A). Fat mass percentage (FMP) was assessed by anthropometric measurements. Sexual maturity was estimated by percentage of predicted adult stature and adolescents were classified into three changes groups: C0, change from on time to late maturation; C1, no change; C2, change from late/on time to on time/early maturation. A stepwise linear regression was conducted in order to estimate the predictors of PA and FMP changes. Results: An interaction between PA and maturation was statically significant (P<0.05). A non-significant trend was observed between three stages of change with a progressive reduction of FMP across the three stages of change in maturation level (C0 = 0.2752.70%; C1= -1.4901.10%; C2= -6.4172.57%; pairwise comparisons: C0 - C2 = 6.69%, P=0.081 and C1-C2 = 4.93%, P=0.080). Conclusions: Our results suggest that body composition changes observed during adolescence are not driven by changes in PA. PA alteration patterns were influenced by sex but not by maturation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (AP2010-0583); the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP2011-30565

    Service Learning in the University: an experience within the framework of a subject of the Degree in Primary Education

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    [EN] Bridging the connections between what students learn in the university and practice in real professional settings is a secular aspiration of higher education. Service learning is a methodology aimed at encouraging student learning through active participation in experiences related to community service. This methodology, although still testimonial, is growing in recent years in Spanish universities, highlighting initiatives of a voluntary nature for students and without a direct link to specific subjects. The present study describes an experience that incorporates service learning in a university subject framed in a curriculum for the training of teachers in Primary Education. A total of 67 university students, who gave lessons to 429 primary education students (aged 6-10), participated in the project. In order to record the opinion of the staff involved and the students’ perception of learning, several assessments tools were used, as questionnaires, interviews, journals and student reports were used. The results reflect the possibilities of service learning to reduce academic bias in curricula, increasing the relationships between theory and practice, and to enable students to acquire cross-curricular skills. Likewise, guidelines are provided that may be useful for any university teacher who aims to carry out this methodology with his students.[ES] Estrechar las conexiones entre lo que aprenden los estudiantes en la universidad y la practica en escenarios profesionales reales es una aspiración secular de la educación superior. El aprendizaje servicio es una metodología orientada a favorecer el aprendizaje de los estudiantes mediante su participación activa en experiencias relacionadas con el servicio a la comunidad. Su uso en la universidad en España, aunque todavía testimonial, está creciendo en los últimos años, destacando las iniciativas puntuales de carácter voluntario para los estudiantes y sin una vinculación directa con asignaturas concretas.En el presente estudio se describe una experiencia que incorpora el aprendizaje servicio en una asignatura universitaria enmarcada en un plan de estudios para la formación de maestros en Educación Primaria. Participaron un total de 67 estudiantes universitarios y 429 alumnos de primer y segundo ciclo de educación primaria (6-10 años). Para registrar la opinión de los agentes implicados y la percepción del aprendizaje de los estudiantes se emplearon diversos instrumentos de evaluación, cuestionarios, entrevistas, diarios e informes de autoevaluación de los estudiantes.Los resultados reflejan las posibilidades del aprendizaje servicio para reducir el sesgo academicista de los planes de estudio, aumentando las relaciones entre la teoría y la práctica, y para permitir a los estudiantes adquirir competencias transversales. Igualmente, se proporcionan orientaciones que pueden ser útiles para cualquier docente universitario que pretenda llevar a la práctica esta metodología con sus estudiantes.López-Fernández, I.; Benítez-Porres, J. (2018). El aprendizaje servicio en la universidad: una experiencia en el marco de una asignatura del Grado en Educación Primaria. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 16(2):195-210. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.9127SWORD19521016

    Association of body mass index and abdominal adiposity with cognitive function and functional status in the elderly

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    Purpose: To examine the association between body composition, functional status and cognitive function in the elderly, including potential gender differences. Methods: A total of 145 elderly (Age 81.1±9.3 years; Weight 66.2±14.4 Kg; BMI 27.5±5.5 Kg/m2), were volunteers. Abdominal bioelectrical impedance analysis and waist circumference (WC) was measured using the ViScan (Tanita Corporation). In addition, anthropometric measurements were performed. BMI and waist–hip ratio (WHR) were calculated using classical equations, and sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD) as abdominal adiposity markers. Cognitive function was evaluated through the Mini-Examination Cognitive (MEC) score and functional status was measured using the Barthel Index. The Kendall-Tau and Spearman rank correlation coefficient were used to explore associations between variables. Results/findings: Barthel score was positively associated with weight (Kendall τ = 0.12, P0.05), and inversely with age (Rho = -0.33, P<0.01). WC, WHR and SAD were not significantly associated with Barthel score. No significant gender differences were found between variables. MEC score was positively associated with BMI, SAD and WC (Rho = 0.19; Rho = 0.17, P<0.05; Rho = 0.22, P<0.01, respectively), visceral fat and gluteus perimeter (Kendall τ = 0.17 both, P<0.05), and inversely with age and WHR, not significantly. These associations were strengthened in women. Conclusions: Our results suggest that high BMI and prevent weight loss could be a positive factor for physical functioning level and a protective factor for dementia in the oldest old. In this observational study, visceral fat were associated with decreased risk of developing dementia, but not with functional status. A plausible explanation should be higher BMI and weight might be related with higher lean mass. However, when the analysis was performed, separated by gender, this association was observed only in women for dementia. In view of the fact that loss of lean tissues occurs exponentially with aging, promotion of physical activity programs targeted at weight maintenance would be important.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Physical activity level and sedentary behaviour among healthy school children in spain measured by triaxial accelerometry

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    Introduction Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour has been identified as risk factors of childhood obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Triaxial accelerometers provide an objective indicator of free-living physical activity (PA). The purpose of this study was to describe levels and patterns of PA and sedentary time (ST) in Spanish children. Methods Data from 316 (n=166 boys, n=150 girls) healthy students (Age: 11.1±1.3 years, BMI: 19.8±3.6 kg/m2) enrolled in fourth, fifth or sixth grade, from the south, central and north of Spain, were used. The Actigraph GT3X monitor device was used to assess PA. Accelerometers were set to register 1-second epoch cycles, and were programmed to assess 7 days. We selected the cut points from Evenson et al. to determine the time spent on different intensity levels of PA and ST. Results Accelerometer data revealed that children spent an average of 54.4±17.8 min/day in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and were sedentary for an average of 10 hours per day (619.2±67.3 min/day). Accumulation of 60 min/day of MVPA was achieved by 37.7% of the students. There was a significant difference in MVPA and ST between boys and girls (MVPA 58.3±16.9 vs 49.9±17.7 min/day, p<0.001; ST 609.8±66.1 vs 629.6±67.4 min/day, p<0.01; respectively). Boys performed 9865 steps/day, while girls performed 9119 steps/day (p<0.05). Discussion Our results suggest that a high percentage of Spanish schoolchildren do not meet PA and daily steps recommendations, where boys are more active than girls. Children spent most of their time in sedentary activities and light PA. Spanish government should consider launching campaigns against sedentary behaviour in schools in order to increase MVPA daily level. References Benítez-Porres J, Alvero-Cruz, JR, Sardinha, LB, Lopez-Fernandez I, Carnero EA (2016). Nutr Hosp, 33(5), 1036-1044. Cesa CC, Sbruzzi G, Ribeiro RA, Barbiero SM, de Oliveira Petkowicz R, Eibel B, Pellanda LC (2014). Prev Med, 69, 54-62. Cordova A, Villa G, Sureda A, Rodriguez-Marroyo JA, Sanchez-Collado MP (2012). Rev Esp Cardiol, 65(7), 620-626. Evenson KR, Catellier DJ, Gill K, Ondrak KS, McMurray RG (2008). J Sports Sci, 26(14), 1557-1565. WHO (2010). 58, Switzerland. Contact [email protected] de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech